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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

  1. Is the universe a cracked egg thus exposing the hand weapon of thor.I guess stephen hawkings could see that it is in a way like as a broken egg but how?Is this the reason oliver cromwell developed his theories on commonwealth or republic.or exposing this universe in a black hole in which all these different acts of imperfection live as a perfect physics equation in which we must find the question in which imperfection is not fully developed and the universe remain unknown.Is a rational equation of physics an act of two constructed forces against each other that forms an equalibrium of contracting force that expands to form an perfect egg shaped universe
  2. .Is an act that of thor an act of equalibrium in the universe.Like space between two objects in which from an exact copy of the object in which is the first.Is the question the same as the answer.Or if the answer comes first in which we find imperfection or the egg in its destroyed manner to form the second.

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